The average water damage claim is more than $10,000! Save your home the expense (and save yourself the frustration) with the help of braided metal hoses.
Homeownership can be difficult, but some quick home improvements can potentially save you thousands of dollars. Adding motion sensors, digital locks, and a camera can help to prevent a burglary, but when it comes to water damage, you need braided metal hoses.
Don’t believe us? Here are the top five reasons why braided metal hoses should be in your – and everyone's – home.
Reason #1 – Braided metal hoses are burst-resistant

Braided metal hoses are advertised as burst-resistant because the metal layer offers little flexibility. This is unlike rubber hoses, which expand like a bubble. That means braided metal hoses are less likely to leak since the metal adds extra protection against bubbles.
You’re probably wondering if braided washing machine hoses ever burst, and some plumbing professionals have yet to see a case. However, for added peace of mind, consider installing an automatic water shut-off valve in your home, which can turn off your water supply in case of an emergency. Placing smart water sensors in leak susceptible areas, such as laundry rooms, bathrooms, kitchens and basements, can also help to prevent or mitigate the severity of a water damage claim.
Reason #2 – Braided metal hoses have a longer lifespan

You may be thinking, "How long do stainless steel braided hoses last?" The answer is: a pretty long time. Some experts say they should be changed every five to eight years, though you may only need to change them when replacing an appliance.
On the other hand, rubber hoses need to be replaced every five years or even sooner, depending upon wear and tear. They also must be inspected every six months to a year, to make sure they remain in good-working order.
Of course, you may want to glance at your braided metal hoses every so often to make sure they're in good shape – just in case.
Reason #3 – Braided metal hoses are super easy to install

Braided metal hoses require basic hand tools for installation. Most plumbers use a wrench, but some steel braided metal hose kits include a small hand tool that will aid in installation.
Prior to purchasing and installing, make sure the hoses are the proper length. Don’t stretch them tight as this can lead to leaks, and make sure the hoses on the back of any appliances aren’t rubbing against a wall. It’s best to give your wall and braided metal hose some personal space – about three feet.
If you aren't comfortable installing the hose on your own, it is a quick task for a licensed professional plumber.
Reason #4 – Braided metal hoses are inexpensive
While the cost (and length) may vary, braided metal hoses for washing machines generally cost less than $50 per hose. This is an incredible savings when compared to the average cost of a water damage claim ($10,849, according to the Insurance Information Institute).
Reason #5 – Braided metal hoses can save your home

Braided metal hoses can be found throughout your home, helping to save your kitchens and bathrooms from hose failure and subsequent water damage. Homeowners who install braided metal hoses on dishwashers, ice makers, washing machines, and any faucet or toilet can definitely lower their risk of suffering a home claim.
However, the most important place braided metal hoses should be is on first- and second-floor appliances. If your home suffers a leak in a second-floor laundry room, the damage can become catastrophic quickly.
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